Foundation Funds

Area of Greatest Need

Lapeer County Community Fund (100) – Supports grantmaking and philanthropic activity to benefit the residents of Lapeer County.

Lapeer County LEAF Fund-(Child Savings Account Program-Lapeer County Education Attainment Fund) (65) – County wide asset building program for students to support post-secondary education.

Arts & Culture

Center for the Arts of Greater Lapeer Fund (58) –Established to support the Arts and cultural activities, as well as to preserve the historic PIX Theatre & Gallery 194.

Lapeer County Historical Society Fund (14) – Benefits the efforts of the Lapeer County Historical Society.

Lapeer Courthouse Restoration Fund (09) – Supports the continued restoration and maintenance of the historic Lapeer County courthouse.

Adam & Corrinne Moore Music Fund (34) – Promotes and enriches the music program beyond normal expenditures in Lapeer High School.

Wakaresku Cultural Fund (03) – Established Joseph Wakaresku, this fund supports education and cultural projects for the benefit of children and youth in Lapeer County, including study in foreign countries.


Access to Nature Endowment Fund (42) – Supports creating universal, barrier free access to recreation opportunities for people of all abilities in the Lapeer County community.

Clarke Adams Memorial Fund (18) – Supports broad charitable purposes and non-profit organizations within Lapeer County.

Thomas K. Butterfield Administrative Fund (22) – Named in memory of Thomas K. Butterfield, long-time Chair of the Foundation, it supports the Lapeer County Community Foundation’s administrative operations.

City of Lapeer Community Enhancement Fund (77) – Supports community enhancement projects within the city of Lapeer.  The primary areas of interest for funding include placemaking and quality of life projects such as: public art, community parks and outdoor recreation, beautification and public amenities such as fountains, sculptures, etc. 

Thomas Daley Memorial Fund (64)-Supports charitable needs focused on music, traumatic head injuries, children and agriculture.

First United Methodist Church of North Branch Endowment Fund (78) – Provides support for the First United Methodist Church in North Branch.

Habitat for Humanity of Lapeer County Endowment Fund (85) – to provide support for the purpose of funding a rehabilitation or new home construction for a partner family/homeowner located in Lapeer County, Michigan. 

Joseph Property Capital Defense Fund + (27) – The non-permanent fund supports the legal defense of the development easement at the Joseph property at 9302 McWain Road, Grand Blanc, MI.

Joseph Property Defense Endowment Fund (28) – Supports the legal defense of the development easement at the Joseph property at 9302 McWain Road, Grand Blanc, MI.

Lapeer County Community Fund (100) -Supports grantmaking and philanthropic activity to benefit the residents of Lapeer County.

Lapeer County Emergency Relief Fund + (70) – Established to support our local non-profits as they provide extra services during this time.   The Foundation is providing a centralized place for giving that will guarantee that 100 percent of funds raised will be used locally in response to the coronavirus. This Lapeer County Emergency Relief Fund will help support the organizations caring for and assisting vulnerable populations throughout Lapeer County as we navigate these unprecedented times. One hundred percent of all funds will be distributed for coronavirus relief with no administrative fees. Funds will be released on a rolling basis throughout the outbreak and recovery phases of the crisis.

Lapeer County Probate Children’s Fund (01) – Supports programs that address needs of children who come to the attention of the Probate Court.

Lapeer County YAC Fund (Youth Advisory Committee) (06) – Created with matching grants from the Kellogg Foundation, it supports grantmaking and other programs for youth in Lapeer County.

George D. Lutz Camp Fund (15) – Supports Michigan Christian Youth Camp programs through the Lapeer Kiwanis Club.

Optimist Club of Lapeer County Fund (59) – Supports operations of the Optimist Club of Lapeer County.

Paradise Animal Rescue Endowment Fund (67) – Supports operations for Paradise Animal Rescue located in Lapeer County.

Seven Ponds Nature Center Endowment Fund (68) – Supports operations for Seven Ponds Nature Center of Lapeer County.

Six Rivers Lapeer County Land Conservation Fund  (38) – Supports the Six Rivers Land Conservancy efforts and range of needs for private land conservation in Lapeer County.

Clayton Arthur & Judy A. Sutter Memorial Endowment Fund (79) – Supports grantmaking and philanthropic activity to benefit the residents of Lapeer County.

United Way of Lapeer County Endowment Fund (21) – Supports programs and operations of the United Way of Lapeer County.

Dave and Jackie Whitton/Big Sky Acres Memorial Fund (72) – Supports charitable needs focused on preventing violence against women, homeless prevention and aid, local food pantries including funding for those in need, Habitat for Humanity or similar organizations, and Hospice.  

Karyn Wranosky Memorial Fund (76) – Supports non-profit organizations in, but not limited to, Lapeer County in the areas of youth sports, youth agricultural education and development, and the skilled trades.  Funding focus priorities to include golf, football, bowling, 4-H and FFA.


Louis Adams Educational Enrichment Fund (81) – Provides assistance to North Branch Area Schools for educational programs, educational equipment, and educational supplies.

The Carpenter Fund (36) – Supports the operations of Lapeer Community Schools.

Marguerite deAngeli Library Endowment Fund (08) – Supports programs and special projects at the deAngeli branch library.

Family Literacy Center Endowment Fund (11) – Supports programs of the Family Literacy Center of Lapeer County.

Family Literacy Center Fund + (19) – The non-permanent fund supports programs and operations of the Family Literacy Center of Lapeer County.

Kreuzkamp Performng Arts Endowment For Lapeer Schools Fund (89) – Established to provide support for the performing arts department of Lapeer Community Schools. Funds will specifically support drama and theater production needs including such items as: sound and lighting technicians and/or equipment, royalties, musicians, sets, costuming and other associated production costs.

Lapeer County LEAF Fund-(Child Savings Account Program-Lapeer County Education Attainment Fund) (65) – County wide asset building program for students to support post-secondary education.

Lapeer District Library Endowment Fund (16) – Supports the activities and programs of the Lapeer District Library.

Lapeer Vocational Fund (35) – Supports alternative educational experiences in Lapeer Community Schools.

Doris F. and Burns L. Rolland, Sr. Endowment Fund for Rolland-Warner Students (51) – Established for the enrichment of the lives of Lapeer’s Rolland-Warner Middle School students.

The Taylor Fund (33) – Supports kindergarten, industrial arts, home economics, and agriculture programs in Lapeer Community Schools.

Valley Lapeer Community Schools Library Endowment Fund (43) – Supplements district spending for elementary and secondary school libraries in the purchase of printed and audio visual materials directly used by students.


Health & Well-Being

Banbury Cross Therapeutic Equestrian Center Endowment Fund (92) – Supports the operations and programming of the Banbury Cross Therapeutic Equestrian Center.

Child Advocacy Center of Lapeer County Endowment Fund (74) – Supports the operations and programming of the Child Advocacy Center of Lapeer County in meeting their broad charitable purposes.

Feeding Lapeer County Fund (88) – Established to support food pantries and soup kitchens in Lapeer County.

LACADA/Roberta Jane Lynch Memorial Fund (30) – Supports the operations and programming of LACADA in meeting their broad charitable purposes.  

Lapeer County Autism Support Fund (45) – Created to honor Grant Lee Johnston, the fund supports organizations and programming for autistic children and family support services in Lapeer County.

Lapeer County Emergency Relief Fund + (70) – Established to support our local non-profits as they provide extra services during this time.   The Foundation is providing a centralized place for giving that will guarantee that 100 percent of funds raised will be used locally in response to the coronavirus. This Lapeer County Emergency Relief Fund will help support the organizations caring for and assisting vulnerable populations throughout Lapeer County as we navigate these unprecedented times. One hundred percent of all funds will be distributed for coronavirus relief with no administrative fees. Funds will be released on a rolling basis throughout the outbreak and recovery phases of the crisis.

Pregnancy Center of Lapeer Fund (87) – Established to provide support for the Pregnancy Center of Lapeer.  The Center is committed to assisting women and men throughout the pregnancy journey and beyond. 

The Refuge Homeless Shelter of Lapeer County  Fund (86) – Established to provide support for the Refuge Homeless Shelter of Lapeer County.  With the direct support of local churches and volunteers, The Refuge provides housing, food, clothing, educational and/or vocational training, basic life skills, and spiritual guidance.

Denise Rowden Memorial Fund (75) – Supports non-profit organizations in Lapeer County. The primary areas of interest for funding include mental health, education, and advocacy. Such areas of interest to include, but are not limited to, childcare, adult foster care, and supporting special needs and developmentally disabled children and adults.

Suncrest-Lapeer County Medical Care Facility Fund (39) – Enhances the Lapeer County Medical Care Facility’s ability to provide healthcare services for the aging.

Women’s Fund (24) – Supports Lapeer County women and their families in need.

Scholarship Funds

Mike Bammer Memorial Scholarship Fund (73) – Established to honor the legacy of Mike Bammer and his commitment to career and technical education and support of the skilled trades.  The Fund is established to provide awards for students pursuing post-secondary studies at an accredited community college, university, trade/technical school, apprenticeship or certificate program, or for students entering the work force in a CTE field.

Ross P. Broesamle Educational Fund (05) – Supports educational assistance to students residing in Almont and Dryden.

Mary Jane Congdon Memorial Scholarship + (52) – The non permanent fund in memory long-time Lapeer educator, Mary Jane Congdon, supports scholarships to Lapeer Community Schools graduating seniors.

Kendall Coulter Memorial Scholarship Fund (83) – Provides scholarships for graduating seniors attending a Lapeer County high school as well as enrolled in the Lapeer County Ed-Tech Center and are pursuing post-secondary studies in a medical or allied health field.

Daley Acres Agricultural Memorial Scholarship (54) – Established in loving memory of J. Clifford “Kip” Daley and Thomas J. Daley, the fund awards scholarships to current and past graduates of Lapeer County High School students pursuing a career in agriculture.

Christopher Jon Dirks Memorial Fund + (13) – The non-permanent fund provides annual scholarships to the Outstanding Graduating Senior at Lapeer High School.

Irma Gelhausen Scholarship Fund (31) – Awards scholarships to Lapeer County students in at least their third year pursuing a career in education.

Jack and Carolyn Griffin Memorial Scholarship Fund (49) – In memory of Walter and Fern Griffin, this fund awards scholarships to North Branch graduating seniors and past recipients of the Griffin Scholarship.

Philip Hart Scholarship Fund (12) – Honors the life and work of Michigan’s U.S. Senator Philip Hart.  Supports scholarships for graduating seniors of Lapeer Community Schools.

Jim and Lorraine Jessop Scholarship Fund (80) – Provides scholarships for graduating seniors from a Lapeer County high school pursuing studies in an agricultural related field or education.

Jacob N. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund (48) – Created in memory of Jacob N. Johnson, this scholarship fund is awarded to a Lapeer Community Schools graduating senior.

Kiwanis Scholarship Fund (40) – Supports scholarships at Lapeer High School.

Patricia A. Kuhlman Memorial Scholarship Fund (32) – Supports scholarships for graduating seniors from Lapeer High School pursuing post-secondary studies at an accredited community college, university, trade/technical school, apprenticeship, or certificate program.

LakeVille Community Schools Memorial Scholarship Fund (63) – Established with funds donated by  family & friends of deceased staff members Ms. Mary Marsh and Mr. Olan Mishler and Ms. Wendy Avram to honor their memory and to provide scholarships to graduating seniors of LakeVille Memorial High School.

LakeVille Memorial High School Alumni Scholarship Fund + (57) – Established by graduates of LakeVille High School for graduating seniors of LakeVille High School.

Lapeer Community Scholarship and Student Loan Endowment Fund  (10) – Supports financial assistance through scholarships and loans to graduates of Lapeer Community Schools.

Lapeer Community Scholarship and Loan NP Fund + (26) – The non-permanent fund supports financial assistance through scholarships and loans to graduates of Lapeer Community Schools.

Lapeer County Bar Association Endowment Fund (37) – Provides scholarships for graduating Lapeer County high school students and other charitable purposes designated by the Lapeer County Bar Association.

Lapeer County Medical Fund (07) – Created in memory of Herbert M. Best, M.D. by the Lapeer County Medical Society, the fund awards medical scholarships to Lapeer County students enrolled in accredited medical programs.

Lapeer High School Boosters Scholarship Fund (25) – Supports scholarships for graduating seniors from Lapeer High School based on good citizenship and service to school and/or community through participation in school functions and extracurricular activities.  

Lapeer High School Kreuzkamp Performing Arts Scholarship Fund (94) – Established to  to provide scholarships for graduating seniors of Lapeer High School who have participated in the Lapeer High School theatrical performing arts program.  

Lapeer High School Legacy Scholarship Fund (91) – Established to provide a  four year scholarship for graduates of Lapeer High School.  This scholarship will cover the full cost of attendance.

Dr. William Laur & Dr. Kimber Persia Scholarship Fund (69) – Established to provide scholarships for Lapeer County students pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college, university, trade/technical school, apprenticeship or certificate program.  Preference will be given to North Branch High School seniors/graduates who attend MSU and are pursuing a career in Veterinary Medicine.

McLaren-Lapeer Region Scholarship Fund (02) – Awards scholarships for Lapeer County students pursuing post-secondary education in medical and health-related fields.

LeRoy and Hazel Mabery Educational Scholarship Fund (84) – Established to provide scholarships for graduating seniors attending North Branch High Schools and are pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college, university, trade/technical school, apprenticeship, or certificate program. 

North Branch Area Schools Endowment Fund (23) – Supports scholarships and school-related expenses not part of the operating budget.

Fred Pasternak Memorial Scholarship Fund (71) – The Fund is established to provide scholarships for graduating seniors of North Branch Area Schools pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college or university, in the field of agriculture or vocational or technical career training and earn a degree, certificate or apprenticeship from an accredited program.

P.E.O. Chapter DX Scholarship Fund (53) – Established by this philanthropic educational organization, it supports higher education of women.

Renwick Lapeer Community Schools Loan Fund + (44) – The non-permanent fund created in memory of George and Ernestine Renwick supports loans from Lapeer Community Schools for students seeking further education.

Dr. James and Doris Richardson Scholarship Fund (61) – In honor of Columbiaville’s long-time residents, this fund awards scholarships to students pursuing a profession in the medical field.

John Sak Memorial Scholarship Fund (50) – Created in memory of long-time Lapeer educator John Sak, it supports higher education for a graduating senior or graduate of Lapeer High School.

Schiedegger Engineering Scholarship Fund (60) – Awards scholarships to Lapeer County students pursuing any field of engineering.

Hazel Simms Nursing Scholarship Fund (04) – Provides nursing scholarships for Lapeer County students pursuing nursing careers in the state of Michigan.

Jimmy Thompson Memorial Scholarship (55) – Supports scholarships to graduating seniors of Lapeer High School.

Tracey Thompson Memorial Scholarship (56) – Supports scholarships to graduating seniors of Lapeer High School.

Traver-Carter Fund (62) – Created to provide financial assistance for Lapeer County residents who are current or past graduates of LakeVille or Lapeer High School, age 25 or younger pursuing any area of study and accepted into or attending a not for profit college, university or technical school program in the state of Michigan.

Dr. Bruce A. Valley Memorial Scholarship Fund (90) – Established to honor the legacy of Bruce A. Valley.  This Fund is established to provide scholarships for students pursuing post-secondary studies in the medical field.

Ronald C. and Abi E. Warner Scholarship Fund (47) – Created in memory of Ronald C. and Abi E. Warner, it supports scholarships to students in the educational, health sciences and agricultural fields.

Max H. Whitton Memorial Scholarship Fund (66) – Established to honor the legacy of Max H. Whitton. The Fund is established to provide scholarships for students pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college, university, trade/technical school, apprenticeship or certificate program within the State of Michigan.



* + is a non-endowed fund.