
We welcome Grant Seekers!

The Lapeer County Community Foundation encourages grant applications from organizations in and/or serving Lapeer County that are tax-exempt according to Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Prospective grant applicants are encouraged to contact the Foundation to discuss their proposal and obtain more information about the grant making process. We invite 501(c)3 organizations serving Lapeer County to apply for a grant using our online grant application.

Some items to remember as you apply:

The deadline for grant applications is the 15th of each even month.  For example:  February 15, 2023

About your Organization

  • Your organization must provide benefits to those within Lapeer County, Michigan.
  • You will be asked to provide your organization’s EIN.
  • Your organization must be recognized as a non-profit charitable organization under section 501(c)3 of of the Internal Revenue Service code. (Schools and government agencies are also eligible. Grants to religious organizations will be considered only if they serve the general public and do not have religious overtones of a sectarian nature.)

About your Project

  • Grants are made for future projects only.  No funding will be given for projects completed before final board approval.  Board approval is usually within eight (8) weeks of the grant deadline.
  • Your project must serve the geographic area of Lapeer County, Michigan.
  • Grants are normally not made for operating expenses, annual fundraising campaigns, political campaigns, loans, sectarian purposes,  or deficit funding.  
About Deadlines
  • Grant applications are accepted six times each year.
  • Grant applications must be submitted by the 15th of each even month.
  • Applicants with outstanding/late Project/Program final reports for previous grants may not be considered for one (1) year after the final report has been submitted and any unused funds have been returned to the Foundation.

About the Review Process

  • All grant applications are reviewed by the LCCF Grant Committee or the YAC – Youth Advisory Committee before a final decision is reached.  Committees are comprised of LCCF Trustees or LCCF YAC members.
  • The Grant Committee reviews all applications and decides which grants best fit with the mission of the Community Foundation and the intent of its donors.
  • The Grant Committee submits a report to the full Board of Trustees for approval.  These are approved the second week of each odd month.
  • Award announcements are made by phone call, email, community gatherings and through paper and social media.
  • Grants are normally paid within one year of approval.  If necessary, a written/emailed request may be submitted for a six (6) month extension.
How to apply for a Grant from Lapeer County Community Foundation
1.  Click the button below to download the GoApply User Guide.
2.  Click on the button below for the GoApply Online Grant Application.
3.  Register your email and organization from the GoApply Online Grant Application button.
4.  Be sure to include your EIN when registering your organization.
5.  When your registration is approved by LCCF, you will receive an email confirmation.
6.  After receiving email confirmation, sign into the GoApply Grant Application Portal.
7.  Click on “Opportunities” in the toolbar at the top of the page.
8.  Click “View” to begin your application.
9.  You will have the option to Submit or Save.  If you choose to save, you can log in and out of the portal while you are editing your application.  When your application is complete, click Submit.

If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Boxey by email at or Jennifer Phillips at  You may also call us 810.664.0691.    

 The 2023-2024 SCHOLARSHIP window is not open yet.  Testing is still being completed to make sure everything is working properly.  Please check back on January 8, 2024.  Everything should be up and running at that time.  Thank you!

Donor Advised Funds

For fund representatives with Donor-Advised Funds only. Please complete the Request Form to submit grant requests.