The Women’s Fund

The Women's Fund

The Women’s Fund is an endowed fund at the Lapeer County Community Foundation, it is a unique legacy established by the generosity of 100 founding women who wanted to make a difference in our community. Current members continue the tradition of leadership and service to Lapeer County by shaping the present and future just as their mothers and grandmothers did before them.

The Women’s Fund awards grants which support and enhance the lives of women and their children in the areas of health, human service, education and enrichment.

The Women’s Fund motto is “Every woman must have a purse of her own . . .”   Susan B. Anthony

When Susan B. Anthony declared that every woman must have a purse of her own she may not have considered how her words would continue to resonate through the ages. She lived in a world in which women could not inherit property from their parents or husband, could not vote, and were not encouraged to have careers outside the home.  Although circumstances are much improved for the women of today, there remain many within our community who are in need of a “purse”.

The Lapeer County Community Foundation Women’s Fund is designed to be a celebration of our past, a voice for our present, and a gift to our future.  We invite YOU to give to this legacy!

2025 Women’s Fund Steering Committee Members

Dana Miller, Chair
Wendy Byard, Vice Chair
Stacey Fike, Secretary

Kim Adams
Arlene Frisch
Della Hammond

Kathryn Lawter
Patti Reaves

Mary Jo Wenzlick
Jacquie Wilson

Women's Fund Educational Grants

Educational Grants
The Women’s Fund, through the Foundation for Mott Community College awards up to $1,500.00 educational grants to assist “non-traditional” Lapeer County women attending Mott Community College with non-tuition expenses including: books, fees, child care, and transportation costs. Applicants must hold a minimum 2.5 grade point average. There is no application deadline. Please download and review the Education Grant Guidelines.  Go to the Grants Tab and follow the  directions to apply for the Women’s Fund Educational Grant through our online portal.

What is a Founder?

A Women’s Fund Founder is one of the initial one hundred women who pledged $500 in 5 years in order to form the fund in 2005.  These Founders wanted to make a difference in the lives of women and their children in Lapeer County for many years to come.  They are the original legacy of the Women’s Fund; helping those in need in the areas of health, human services, education, and enrichment.


Our Original Women’s Fund 100 Founders:

Helen Arnold +^
Renee Badertscher
Elva Baird ^
Laura Barnard +
Joan Bates+
Cathy Benton
Dora Bianchini +++
Judy Brecht
Cindy Brown +++
Trish Burrough
Amie Butterfield ++
Gaye Butterfield +++
Mabel Butterfield +^
Pamela Butterfield
Debbie Cady ++
Phyllis Caley ^
Mary Lynne Carter ^
Tracey Chapman +++
Kathy Churchill +
Christina Clark +
Corrine Conaway +
Lisa deBeaubien Conaway
Liz Cross ++
Gertrude Cynowa^
Deborah DeSantis
Melanie DiCenso
Genevieve Dorr +++
Wanda Dowdall +++
Pamela Duke
BJ Dutko +
Carol Ehman +^
Jo Ann Ethridge + ^
Charlotte Ewing +
Michelle Filipiak +
Irma Gelhausen ^
Sue Griggs +++
Lorraine Grinnell
Pat Hackney ++
Della Hammond +++
Mary Ann Harrington +++
Jan Herrick
Chris Higgins
June Holen
Kathleen Holowka
Cheryl Howell
Judy Jacobson +
Florence Johnson ++ ^
Melissa Johnston +
Suzanne Joseph
Mary Ellen Kernan
Barbara Klocko
Jeannene Koprowski ++
Bonnie LaClair +++
Carol Lambert +++
Patricia Lamoreaux
Lapeer Business & Professional Women
Lapeer Tuesday Club
Kathryn Lawter ++
Carol Little
Dahna Loeding +++^
Hazel Mabery +++
Jan Manning +
Debbie Marquardt ++ +
Nan Marvicsin ^
Linda McAlpine +
Eleanor Mendola ^
Karen Mersino +
MI P.E.O. Chapter DX
Mary Shaw Moore
Laurie Muir Morris +++
Colleen Muir +++
Molly Muir +++
Sharon Muir +++
DeLynn Nass +++
Nita Oesch
Nina Page +
Pauline Preisel ^
Nancy Ransom +++
Carole Robson +
Doris Rolland +++^
Judy Rozanski
Karen Rykhus ++
Bonnie Schiedegger +++
Cheryl Shaffer +
Lois Shaffer ++ ^
Justine Speer-Dare
Mary Stone
Peg Supernault +
Nancy Toppin +
Rudi Tucker +^
Carol Lynn Van Norman
Kimberly Van Sickle +
Edith Walker^
Tracey deBeaubien Walker
Abi Warner +^
Peggy Warner +++
Jan Watz
Pat Whelan +++
Kimberly Grinnell Young
Zonta Club of Lapeer

Silver Founder +
Gold Founder ++
Diamond Founder +++
In Memoriam ^

What is a Friend?

A Women’s Fund Friend is a donor that continues the tradition of the one hundred Founders. As a Friend, your gift will be held in endowment, contributing to the permanent legacy that will be passed on to future generations of Lapeer County women. Only the earnings will be distributed, but as the Women’s Fund grows, so does our ability to help.

  • Become a Friend with an outright gift of $500.00 or a 5-year pledge of $100.00 per year.
  • To make a pledge to become a Friend of the Women’s Fund, click on the Donate Now button at the top of this page.

Our Women’s Fund Friends:

Kim Adams
Lois Atkins ^
Susan P. Beal
Mary Beam
Jane Beckwith
Catherine Bostick-Tullius
Cheryl Bowman +
Nancy Boxey +
Londa Bradley
Constance Brotzke
Marilyn Buchanan +^
Anissa Buffin
Lynne Butler
Wendy Byard
Mary Beth Callahan
Kella Carter
Kristen Cassabon +++
Emily Caswell +
Phyllis Clark
Mary Ellen Clements
Gayle Coulter
Meredith Donahue
Marcia Dorman
Jeanne Dupuis
Tami Erickson
Betsy Felton
Stacey Fike
Kate Fisher
Karen Fitzgerald
Linda Forys +
Heather Frayer
Arlene Frisch
Jacquie Germani ^
Jackie Gibbons ++
Michele Guerra
Sally Hallen +
Vicki Harrington
Claudia Helser ^
Susan Helser +
Donna Hoisington ++
Catherine Hurst
Rita Jones
Ann Kee^
Jody Kerbyson
Kristi Kigar +
Rose Klein
Arla Lewis +
Patricia Lucas +++
Carol Lyons ++
Jill Lynn Lyons
Claudia Mann
Denise Michalzcuk +
Laura Mikus ++
Dana Miller +
Kay Morris +
Rose Neuhard
Deborah Noffert
Lynn Oberhausen +
Carol Pariseau +
Peggy Patten
Marilyn Pearson ++^
Jennifer Phillips
Marguerite Pope +
Linda Priestap +++
Melissa Randazzo
Patty Reaves +
Jayme Resnik +
Tammy Riehl
Shari Ruesink
D’Ann Sabada-Davey +
Donna Scott
Doris Sharkey ^
Miriam Shay
Anne L. Shenck
Mary Shelton
Stephanie Simmons
Barbara Skirmants +
Cindy Smith +
Kathy Smith
Nancy Smith +++
Nancy Sommerville
Carolyn Starking
Lynne Strandberg +
Julia Sullivan +
Judy Sutherland
Bernie Talaski
Ada VanDyke ^
Fran Van Haaften ++
Rehne Voss
Sandra Vukonich
Robie Wagester ++
Alyssa Walker
Kelly Watson +
Mary Jo Wenzlick
Ashley White +
Jacquie Wilson ++
Jane Yorks
Karen Zdroik +
Ann Zettle

Silver Friend +
Gold Friend ++
Diamond Friend +++
In Memoriam ^ 

The Women's Fund Silver Level Program

In 2010 the Silver level of giving was established.  Individuals who have completed their initial pledge can choose to make a second $500 five year pledge (or lump sum pledge), bringing their total pledges to $1,000.


The Women's Fund Gold Level Program

In 2016 the Gold level of giving was established. Individuals who have completed their Silver pledge can choose to make a third $500 five year pledge (or lump sum pledge), bringing their total pledges to $1,500.

Coming from all walks of life, representing multiple generations, our Founders and Friends share a common vision…to build a permanent resource that will help women and their families now and long into the future.


The Women's Fund Diamond Level Program


In 2021 the Diamond level of giving was established. Individuals who have completed their Gold pledge can choose to make a fourth $500 five year pledge (or lump sum pledge), bringing their total pledges to $2,000.

In celebration of its 20th Anniversary the Lapeer County Women’s Fund is proud to announce its final level of giving, the Diamond Level, because diamonds are forever!

What is a Funder?

Funder is anyone who contributes to the Women’s Fund.  As a Funder, your gift of any dollar amount will be used immediately to support women and their children in Lapeer County. Working in partnership with local non-profit organizations and agencies, the Women’s Fund address emergency needs for Lapeer County women and their families and provides these women with the tools they need to improve their lives.

Please know that no amount is too small.  Each dollar you give becomes part of the endowed fund.  This fund continually generates interest which is given back to the women and children of Lapeer County.  Gifts to the Women’s Fund may be tax deductible for Federal income tax purposes.  



Women's Fund Request for Proposal

Women’s Fund Request for Proposal (RFP)
Periodically, the Women’s Fund sends out Requests for Proposals to nonprofit organizations throughout Lapeer County who are seeking funding to support projects affecting women and their children in the areas of health, human service, education, and quality of life initiatives.  The total funding available to grant will not exceed $10,000.00.   The application deadline is April 2, 2024. Please review the grant guidelines along with the RFP cover letter on the buttons below.  The Women’s Fund RFP grant application is a fillable form and will download on your computer for completion.  

Arretta Jickling Hill Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, established by Peggy Patten in memory of her mother, Arretta Jickling Hill, honors Arretta’s passion for the undeterred pursuit of education goals later in life.  Born in 1939 and completing her second Master’s Degree at the age of 47, Arretta believed that there is always something to learn in every situation; it is your responsibility to find it.  The Women’s Fund honors Arretta’s legacy by awarding a yearly tuition scholarship of $1,000.00 to a Lapeer County woman seeking education in their adulthood. The application deadline is Friday, May 2, 2025. Please click on the button below to download the fillable form and review the scholarship criteria and guidelines on the application prior to completing and submitting the Arretta Jickling Hill Scholarship Application.

Agency Partner Information

Agency Partners
The Women’s Fund seeks agency partners for our Mini-Grant Program and Wardrobes for Work programs.  These programs help meet the emergency and professional needs of Lapeer County women and their children.

Agency Partners submit mini grant requests for applicants that cannot be funded through any other assistance program.  Although meeting agency screening standards , these individuals would not qualify for funding due to federal regulations, fund amounts needed, timing, etc.  Agency partners serve as the fiscal sponsor and receive payment of funds for mini grants and then make payments for the services needed.


The Women’s Fund Mini Grants assist Lapeer County Women and their children in areas of “crisis concern” with awards of $1,000 or less.  Applicants must be referred by one of our Agency Partners.  Grants are for last resort funding for emergency needs that cannot be met by partner organizations.