
The Lapeer County Community Foundation is dedicated to attracting and managing permanently endowed funds serving a wide range of charitable purposes in order to strengthen the quality of life in Lapeer County. As part of the Foundation’s focus on education, we maintain a growing scholarship program.

                                                                                                     Scholarship Information

                 *The LCCF has a new online application process for scholarships and the scholarship window will be open in January 2025.                                                                                                                  The scholarship application is now available as of January 6, 2025.                                                                                                                  Contact Jennifer Phillips if you have any questions or concerns about the application process.  Thank you!

  1.  Applications are available on our website at under the scholarship tab.    We now have an online platform.  You will need to register as a new user.  Please do not use a school email address.  Please make sure to write down your password.  Once you complete the registration process,  you will fill out one application and when it’s completed submit your application.  You will be notified by email which scholarships you are eligible to receive.
  2. Students should be prepared to participate in a brief interview should the scholarship selection committee so desire.
  3. The scholarship application must be completed in full and submitted by Sunday, March 16, 2025 by 5:00 pm.  
  4. If selected for any scholarship, students are expected to assume the following obligations:
    • Maintain the minimum GPA requirement of your scholarship, if directed by the scholarship.
    • Notify the Foundation of any change in college plans including interruption of attendance, transfer to another college, or dropping enrollment.
    • Furnish the Foundation with an official statement of admission from the new institution if transferring schools.

For more information, contact Program Officer, Jennifer Phillips at 810.664.0691 or email to:

Scholarship Descriptions for each Scholarship

There is a description of each scholarship available and then eventually when you click on the button to the right, there will be a photo and possibly additional information about the scholarship.

Eligible for graduating High School Seniors only

Louis Adams Memorial Scholarship – Lou was a veteran who bravely served his country by enlisting in the Army and served in Korea. After returning, he attended Ferris State University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences.  Lou moved to North Branch in 1964 and owned and operated Adam’s Apotheke for 30 years. He was extremely grateful to his friends, loyal customers, and the North Branch community for supporting him and his business throughout the years.  Lou was diagnosed with Gullain Barre Syndrome (GSB) in 1993 and was hospitalized for five months and then had extensive rehabilitation for years after.  You could see him, walking with his leg braces, around the streets of North Branch.  He always had a smile, a wave, and a great positive attitude.  The scholarship was established to honor the legacy of Louis A. Adams and his commitment to providing post-high school formal education and training scholarship assistance to deserving graduating seniors of North Branch High School.  Students must be pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college or university, or accredited trade/technical school, apprenticeship or certificate program, or other post-secondary vocational training program.

Kendall Coulter Memorial Scholarship – Kendall was a student at North Branch High School and also attended Lapeer County Ed Tech in the Medical Program.  Kendall lost her life due to an unfortunate accident.  Kendall was a very bright and friendly young lady with big life goals. She loved helping others and was a true friend to all. The fund is established to memorialize Kendall and to provide scholarships for graduating seniors attending a Lapeer County High School as well as enrolled in the Lapeer County Ed-Tech Center who are pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college or university, accredited trade/technical school, apprenticeship or certificate program, in a medical or allied health field.

Jim and Lorraine Jessop Scholarship – Jim and Lorraine Jessop were both educators for Lapeer Schools.  Jim Jessop began his career at Lapeer High School in 1952 as a vocational agriculture teacher and FFA advisor. He retired from teaching in Lapeer in 1990, having served in various positions, including transportation director, administrative assistant in charge of personnel and negotiations, and principal of Maple Grove  Elementary.  Lorraine began her teaching career at Irwin Elementary in 1955. She retired from teaching in Lapeer in 1988 as a second-grade teacher at Schickler Elementary.  During her career, she taught various grades at different schools, including a one-room schoolhouse.  She always said that second grade was her favorite grade to teach.  She positively impacted over 1,000 students during her 33-year career in Lapeer.  The scholarship was established to positively impact future generations of high school seniors pursuing post-secondary education in the areas of horticulture, agriscience, or elementary education.

Jacob N. Johnson Memorial Scholarship – Jacob N. Johnson was a student at Lapeer East High School.  He lost his life due to complications following a transplant.  A gifted artist, Jacob was also the type of person who cared very deeply about the world around him and for people in need.  He was a giant in character and remains an excellent example for those who knew him.  Applicant must be a graduating senior of Lapeer High School and a resident of Lapeer County.  Preference will be given to any student who is a transplant recipient, a transplant donor, part of the immediate family of a transplant recipient or facing a significant health challenge.

LakeVille Memorial High School Alumni Scholarship – Applicant must be a graduating senior of LakeVille Memorial High School and must be a resident of Lapeer or Genesee County.  Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher and plan on attending a post-secondary institution not later than the first fall following his/her graduation.  The scholarship can be used for tuition, books, and fees. 

Lapeer High School Kruezkamp Performing Arts Scholarship-Applicant must be a graduating senior of Lapeer High School and a resident of Lapeer County.  Must participate in the performing arts program at Lapeer High School.

Dr. William Laur & Dr. Kimber Persia Scholarship – Established to provide scholarships for students pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college, university, trade/technical school, apprenticeship or certificate program.  Must be a current high school senior of a Lapeer County High School and a resident of Lapeer County.  Open to any field of study but, preference will be given to North Branch students, those attending Michigan State University and those pursuing a STEM Majors, however additional consideration will be given to those  pursuing a career in Veterinary Medicine or agriculture.

LeRoy & Hazel Mabery Educational Scholarship –  LeRoy and Hazel are both lifelong educators with ties to North Branch.  They have a passion for providing opportunities for students beyond high school and a passion for community. The Fund is established to provide scholarships for graduating seniors attending North Branch Area Schools who are pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college, university, trade/technical school, apprenticeship or certificate program.  Students must have GPA of 2.80 to 3.60 and be involved in at least three extra-curricular activities and/or volunteer experiences.

P.E.O. Chapter DX Scholarship –This scholarship was founded by P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization) Chapter DX, Lapeer, Michigan, to celebrate the advancement of women through education.  Applicant must be a female resident of Lapeer County, a graduating senior of a Lapeer County high school, and accepted into a post-secondary degree granting college, university, trade school, or certificate program.  Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher is required in the last two years of study.  

Fred Pasternak Memorial Scholarship – The Fred Pasternak Memorial Scholarship was established to honor Fred’s  legacy and his commitment to the field of agriculture and skilled trades.  Applicant must be a graduating senior of North Branch High School and reside in Lapeer County.  Applicants must be pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college or university in the field of  agriculture or a vocational or technical career training and earn a degree, certificate or apprenticeship from an accredited program.  Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.  

Max H. Whitton Memorial Scholarship-Established to provide scholarships for students pursuing post-secondary studies at a public community college, university, trade school, apprenticeship or certificate program within the state of Michigan.  Must be a current high school senior of Imlay City High School and live in Lapeer County.  Must demonstrate financial need and have a GPA between 2.80-3.60.

Eligible for Graduating High School Seniors OR Post-Secondary Students

Ross P. Broesamle Education Fund – Assists students seeking post-secondary education.  Must reside in Almont Township, Village of Almont, Dryden Township, or the Village of Dryden.  Awards are based upon financial need and scholastic record.  

Daley Acres Agricultural Memorial Scholarship – In memory of J. Clifford “Kip” Daley and Thomas J. Daley, the fund awards scholarships to students pursuing a career in agriculture.  Applicant must reside in a Lapeer County School district or be a resident of Lapeer County and have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in secondary or post-secondary studies.  

The Daley Acres Agricultural Scholarship was established in February of 2011 to honor Thomas Daley who died tragically in an agricultural related accident on January 31, 2011, and in memory of his grandfather “Kip” who dedicated his life to agriculture and the family farm in Lapeer County.  The objective of the scholarship is to honor Thomas and the life he lived.  The candidate should have a genuine passion for the agricultural field, hoping to play a part in the preservation of Michigan’s farming community.  A choice will be made based on the candidate’s overall character, looking for the man or woman who best represents Thomas Daley.

Thomas worked extremely hard to maintain Daley Acres and his vision was to expand its reach and guarantee the farm’s future success.  He grew up knowing that for a family farm to work, everyone needed to do their part.  He carried his work ethic in everything he did and recognized that when a person contributes, whether to a farm, family, community, or the world, all of us benefit.



Jack and Carolyn Griffin Memorial Scholarship – Parts 1 and 2 – Established as a living tribute to Walter and Fern Griffin by son and daughter-in-law Jack and Carolyn Griffin.  Preference will be given to students who exhibit excellent attendance, honesty, and sensitivity and service to others. Minimum high school cumulative GPA of 2.5 required and must be a North Branch High School senior or a Quest High School senior, or a past Griffin awardee.   
Part 1
 Applicant must be a graduating North Branch High School senior or a Quest High School senior.                                                                                                                                                                 Part 2 Applicant must be a past Griffin awardee.  

McLaren Lapeer Region Medical Scholarship –Established to support scholarships for students from Lapeer County pursuing post-secondary education and/or training in medical and/or allied health related fields.

John Sak Memorial Scholarship – Established in memory of long-time Lapeer educator John Sak and is awarded to a graduating senior or graduate of Lapeer High School. Cumulative GPA 3.25 or higher required for secondary or post-secondary studies. Financial condition of the applicant also considered.  Must be a resident of Lapeer County

Schiedegger Engineering Scholarship – Named for Chuck and Bonnie Schiedegger, long-time residents of Metamora, Mich.   The applicant must be a current resident of Lapeer County and either a graduating senior of a Lapeer County High School with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher OR a past graduate of a Lapeer County school and a current sophomore, junior, or senior in post-secondary studies with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.  May be pursuing any area of engineering. 

Traver-Carter Scholarship-Established in memory of Burton Traver and Nellie Traver, and Laverne “Poddy” Carter and Agnes Carter, the applicant must be a graduating senior or a graduate of LakeVille High School or a graduating senior or a graduate of Lapeer High School and accepted into or currently attending a not-for-profit college, university, or technical school program of study in the state of Michigan.  Preference is given to those seeking college or university degrees; however, all qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. Applicant must be a resident of Lapeer County and 25 years of age and under.  Grades and difficulty of the curriculum will be considered.

Bill and Verna Mae Valley Scholarship-Applicant must be a graduating senior or a post graduate of Lapeer High School.  Must be pursuing any type of education and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Dr. Bruce A. Valley Memorial Scholarship – Bruce was born in Lapeer Michigan and was the valedictorian as he graduated from Lapeer West High School in 1977.  He completed his pre-med studies at MSU and applied to podiatry schools and enrolled in the California School of Podiatric Medical.  He was an excellent surgeon and was dedicated to his patients.  Bruce was a talented person who loved music, sports, animals and food.  This fund was established to provide scholarships for graduating seniors and post-graduates of Lapeer Community Schools pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college, university, or accredited trade/technical school, apprenticeship, or certificate program in the medical and/or allied health related fields.  

Ronald C. and Abi E. Warner Scholarship – The Ronald C. Warner Scholarship Fund was originally established in 2008 as a memorial to Ron Warner, whose career in education and active volunteerism spanned over 41 years.  It was renamed the Ronald C. and Abi E. Warner Scholarship Fund to recognize the support and dedication of Abi Warner to those pursuing further education and careers in health sciences, education and agriculture.

Applicants must be pursuing a career in health sciences, education or agriculture.  Must be a resident of Lapeer County and be either a graduating senior of a Lapeer County High School or currently enrolled in post secondary studies.  Preference will be given to graduates of Lapeer High School.   Cumulative GPA of 2.4 or higher required for secondary or post secondary studies.  

Eligible for Post-Secondary Students only

Irma Gelhausen Scholarship – The Irma Gelhausen Scholarship Fund was established in 2005 as a memorial to Irma Gelhausen, life-long educator and volunteer in Lapeer County. Preference will be given to graduates of Lapeer High School and those pursuing a career in elementary education studies, although applicants pursuing a career in secondary education will be considered as well.  Cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher in post-secondary studies.  Must be a resident of Lapeer County

Lapeer County Medical Scholarship – established to promote various medical related purposes, including scholarship. Applicants must be residents of Lapeer County, at least a second year-enrolled college student in a pre-science medical professional career such as medical, dental, nursing, or physician’s assistant program; and maintain a 3.2 GPA. Preference is given to applicants based on financial need. 

Dr. James and Doris Richardson Scholarship – Established to provide scholarships for a pre-science medical professional career.  Must be a current resident of Lapeer County or Genesee County and/ or have graduated from LakeVille Community Schools or a Lapeer County school.  Applicant must be a 2nd year enrolled college student and hold a 3.2 GPA or higher in post-secondary studies.  

Hazel Simms Nursing Scholarship – Established to provide nursing scholarships. Applicant must either have completed one year or more of college and have been accepted into a nursing program approved by the Michigan Board of Nursing or may also be certified as an RN pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. Applicant must also be a resident of the following school districts: Almont, Dryden, Imlay City, LakeVille, Lapeer, and North Branch.

Awards may be used to pay tuition and textbook expenses.

Apply at Lapeer High School on Common App or Lapeer County Educational Technical Center

Mike Bammer Memorial Scholarship –The Mike Bammer Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to honor the legacy of Mike Bammer and his commitment to career and technical education and support of the skilled trades.  The Fund is established to provide scholarships for graduating seniors attending the Lapeer County Education and Technology Center pursuing post-secondary studies at an accredited community college, university, trade/technical school, apprenticeship or certificate program. The application can be found at Lapeer County Education and Technology Center office.  Check with the office for the 2025 application and deadline.

Mary Jane Congdon Memorial Scholarship-Applicant must be a graduating Lapeer High School senior with a GPA of 2.50 or higher and a resident of Lapeer County.  Check with the Lapeer High School counseling office for the 2025 common application and deadline.

Philip Hart Scholarship – The Philip Hart Scholarship Fund honors the life and work of Michigan’s U.S. Senator Philip Hart, who served from 1959 to 1976. Known as the “Conscience in the Senate,” he was a leader in the fight for the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and other progressive legislation of his era.  Applicant must be a graduating senior of Lapeer High School and a resident of Lapeer County.  Half of the award will be issued at the beginning of freshman year. The balance will be paid in the fall of the second year, following satisfactory completion of the first year. Check with the Lapeer High School counseling office for the 2025 common application and deadline.

Patricia A. Kuhlman Memorial Scholarship – Applicant must be a graduating senior of Lapeer High School and pursuing post-secondary studies at a community college, university, trade/technical school, apprenticeship or certificate program. Check with the Lapeer High School counseling office for the 2025 common application and deadline.  

Lapeer High School Boosters Scholarship – This scholarship is for seniors of Lapeer High School who can demonstrate good citizenship and service to school and/or community through participation in school functions and extracurricular activities (not specifically sports).  Must have a GPA of 2.0 or above.   Check with the Lapeer High School counseling office for the 2025 common application and deadline. 

Lapeer High School Legacy Scholarship-The purpose of this scholarship is to support a graduating senior of Lapeer High School pursuing a post-secondary four-year bachelor’s degree at a Michigan public university.  Please check with the Lapeer High School Counseling Office for this application and deadline.

Jimmy Thompson Memorial Scholarship – The Jimmy Thompson Memorial Scholarship was established by Sherry Thompson and Friends.  Mrs. Thompson dedicated her life to promote a better quality of life for special needs children. Applicant must be a graduating Lapeer High School senior. Preference given to applicants with special needs; however, all students are encouraged to apply. Check with the Lapeer High School counseling office for the 2025 common application and deadline.     

Tracey Thompson Memorial Scholarship – The Tracey Thompson Memorial Scholarship was established by Sherry Thompson and Friends.  Mrs. Thompson dedicated her life to promote a better quality of life for special needs children. Applicant must be a graduating Lapeer High School senior. Preference given to applicants with special needs; however, all students are encouraged to apply. Check with the Lapeer High School counseling office for the 2025 common application and deadline.           a